When I was still busy finishing my thesis I had no problem staying in. Even when I wasn't working on it 24/7 I felt I couldn't go out and leave the house during the middle of the day to hang out in town for all of the afternoon. But now that I'm basically done and I'm free to go, which I've been actually for months, I don't know what to do anymore! I didn't have any summer plans and seemed to felt content. I wouldn't have mind not going on a vacation. But it seems that the way things are going right now by the end of this week I'll be screaming for a summer holiday and craving for a trip that takes me to places I've yet got to discover.
I finished The Alchemist yesterday. Read it if you haven't done so yet. It might not change your life, but it at least gives you some thought on how to live your life differently and look for things which can help you further and might help you fulfill your so-called destiny. I enjoyed reading it. It's very clearly written. At first I felt a bit dissapointed about the ending, because I was hoping for something different. But when I thought about it I was okay with how it ended, although I expected something bigger and more surprising. The book apparently will be adapted for the big screen and Veronika Decides To Die which stars Sarah Michelle Gellar aka Buffy The Vampire Slayer, another of Coelho's novels, has already been finished. I never knew Paulo Coelho was an author of such spiritual stories. I'll definitely check out some of his other books.
Tonight I'll be going to Rialto in Amsterdam to see Unspoken. I've just decided. And I'll plan something for tomorrow. An art gallery of some sorts probably. Actually what I need most is a good gig, but the next one is still some days away. July 13th seeing Passion Pit. Til then no concerts. :(
I feel like posting pictures, but I've got nothing to post right now.
I'll go search for something.
Found something! Daria Werbowy for Prada. Apparently co-directed by Ridley Scott and seriously this looks all kinds of amazing. Those shots on the escalator. Whoa! This is really good! Glad I found it. Plus Daria always looks so lovely. Some women can be so beautiful it can be intimidating, but Daria seems just such a sweet and graceful lady.
Thanks to this site!
Btw you can embed YouTube videos?! I didn't know. The thing is my YouTube account is in Dutch and apparently I never knew the word 'insluiten' is Dutch for to embed! All this time I used websites as SaveTube so I could save the video first and then upload it. Ahaaaaaaaaaa. So know I now. It's indeed possible. I already thought it was strange you could not embed YouTube videos. My account is in English now. No more mistakes!
I was looking for the video on Vimeo, because I like the way Vimeo looks. But when I searched for Prada I found this commercial below. I saw the pictures but not the commercial. I didn't know there was a commercial. It's nothing groundbreaking, but Ymre Stiekema one of the featured models, she's Dutch, is such a beauty. Stunning!
commercial prada from Giordano Poloni on Vimeo.
Also thanks to this website See Like Me I found these pictures from photographer Steeve Beckouet. For more pictures go to his website. I find his other works a bit plain though. However these two pictures I really like.
I just love back shots, especially in black and white.

This one just looks so captivating. Love the pink

Sometimes you wonder how a painting or other work of art was made. This video below shows you just that by using time-lapse. I'm amazed by all the layering. Wow. Makes me want to try too!
Love from two twelve on Vimeo.
I have to say for a while I've been wanting to do something with graffiti. Looks so cool. maybe I should just buy some cans and start spraying it all over my room! :))
I recently re-watched this Fleet Foxes video for their song Mykonos. And now I noticed there's a making of.
First the video
Mykonos from Grandchildren on Vimeo.
Now the making of.
Must have taken such a long time to realize.
Mykonos making of from Grandchildren on Vimeo.
There's this simplicity to this pictures of photographer Jessica Backhaus which just really fascinates me
Her pictures have some real weight or presence. Hard to explain

Visit her website for more
That'll do for now I'm out!
Soon new Harry Potter, I'm excited!!!
Just remembered that I actually am going to a concert soon. On saturday I'll be at the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam.
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