I just came back from Metronomy and it was okay. I mean, I didn't go Crystal Castles wild but that was kind of expected. Unfortunately there werent that many people and it took a while before the people where I was standing really got into it. There were three girls in front of me who in the beginning were just standing watching as if they were at their first concert ever. At the end they did start to dance which was cool as were all the other people around me. But with a band like Metronomy you can kind of feel the hesitation in the audience. I bet there are some people who really really like them, but I dont think there are that many massive fans. You're not at a Franz Ferdinand concert where you know it will be packed with people who have been looking forward to this gig for months. Also the audience consisted of relatively young people, a lot of teenagers it seemed. It almost was high school party like. Metronomy basically did what they were supposed to do which is play. They probably gave their full 100%, but it was a neat, safe 100% without any 200% extra outbursts. This time I did stand front row, or second row, cause there still were three girls in front of me. But it's basically the same. I didn't want to make the same mistake twice as with Crystal Castles where I didnt stand at the front from the very beginning which I should have. I had a good time, but I had hoped for a little bit more. However, knowing that I'll see Patrick Wolf in Paradiso this September makes it all okay. There will be no doubt that Pat Pat's gig will be amazing. I really can't wait to be there. It's going to be such a great evening. :)
I do long for May to come back a little bit, 'cause what a great month that was!! Beirut, Metric, Franz Ferdinand, Chairlift, Deerhunter, Women, The Rakes, I Heart Hiroshima they were all there that month.
I had no idea the Fantastic Mr. Fox was going to be stop-motion animated. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was all computer made. These newly released pictures look really cool. I love stop-motion so I can't wait to see it.

Mr. Wes Anderson working on the puppets

More pictures here via
Awards Daily
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