I'm so bad at sleeping lately. I wake up way too early and go to bed after 12. So yesterday I was easily able to fall asleep during the middle of the day. I was watching Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) which is the most magical film and not at all for little kids even though it's animation. Some of those studio Ghibli films can be watched by the youngest kids without an adult having to watch with them. But Mononoke Hime is not one of them. The character San aka princess Mononoke can even be seen spewing blood and does so in the most causual way. She is also one of the most sexy drawn figures you will ever see. I didn't sleep one second while watching it but I so easily could have. And now too I'm sitting here and it's not even 9am yet. Last evening happened to be the evening of the Ratatat gig. So standing there I also was pretty tired. It was really good though. Next time however I should either just wear a belt or put them skinny jeans back on, because this jeans I was wearing kept sagging. And normally I can wear them without having to hold them with my hands to avoid them from falling off. But last evening they even seemed more wide. Maybe I started to lose weight because of the dancing? Could be. Also my hair which apparently has grown quite a lot since my last concert was more annoying than usual. It kept jumping all over the place trying to cover most of my face. But now let's cut to the music and performance. For some reason at times I can still be very surprised when I see a band perform live and notice how they really play every part of the song live without anything pre-recorded. I know that's the whole idea of a live gig. To actually play live. But apparenlty sometimes it can still surprise me to see a band perform an entire song live. This is what happened to me last night. They really played every bit of every song thay performed live. I guess of course I didn't expect differently but this didn't make me less amazed. And it was just the two of them. I had seen concert footage where they played with more people, someone on drums I believe as well. But last night it was just Mike and Evan playing. Some of their songs seem so layered and I apparently always had the idea that their songs were much more complicated. So I was pretty musch amazed when at the start of the gig they started to play some of the melodies I've come to know so well on a keyboard. In my mind I always assumed their music was way more special than that. I just could not imagine it was just coming from a random keyboard. It's like in my mind it wouldn't do their music justice. So instead I just imagined some very high-tech machine producing their music. But of course they happen to use normal instruments. Anyway the sound was great. They started off by playing some of their tracks which are a bit slower and as the gig went on they came to play more of their very fast paced tunes. Of course they ended the night with Seventeen Years and the crowd went wild. I was amazed that people started to jump on their songs as well and some people even appeared to mosh on like two or three tracks. Their music is such a mix of sounds ans styles. At times their beats make for a more R&B/hip-hop-ish sound, while other songs are much more rock with the guitars realy dominating the tracks. Both guys looked really into it and most of the time they performed like true rock gods especially during the guitar solo bits with them kneeling down on the stage and shaking their heads. The crowd was a really good one too. I'm always happy to see people around me getting really into it. To me it's one of the most essential things. When the crowd sucks it can really influence the entire atmosphere unless the band I'm seeing is such a favourite of mine that I don't need anyone to dance/move along with me. Those moments I'm more than capable of doing it all by myself. I guess last night I could have been higly capable of it myself too so it was even more nice to see the entire crowd enjoying the music as much as I did. As always many times I had my eyes closed because that's what happens when I'm really into something. I believed they also played Kennedy but it seems that I sometimes happen to lose part of my memory. It was like when I saw WOMEN and I couldn't remember if they performed Black Rice or not and then afterwards someone who also attended the gig told me they did. So I assume they played Kennedy but I cant really remember. :D It might be because of me being a bit tired. I was very aware of where I was but sometimes during some moments I guess I kind of space out. Might be the effect of the music on me as well. Sometimes I'm a bit in trance. Next I'll be seeing Passion Pit in Paradiso. Hope to see another gig before that one though 'cause the Passion Pit one is July the 13th which is still a bit far away. One thing I know for sure is that I will wear a pair of jeans which fit me and doesn't have me worrying about them falling off all night especially during the jumping parts :)
Plus more of Fashion Week Paris. This time I bring you Dries Van Noten, Stephan Schneider, Louis Vuitton, Gaspard Yurkiviech, Jean-Paul Gaultier, and Emanuel Ungaro.
The good:Luis Vuitton - Shows you can keep things simple. It's about putting clothes together, making the right colour combinations. That's the most important. All the shoes look really really nice. Even their flip-flops work and I felt they were already a bit out of fashion, but here they happen to look so good. Overall the looks are all so classy. Real gentleman-ish. Love how the shoes and socks are put together. Proofs you should not hide them. Love the orange, the green with grey and brown. Like their long coats more than I would expect. Sometimes the looks may look slightly feminine but it's all about making it work and in this case it really works. And of course the bags are nice as well. Love those in grey and the bigger the better I would say.
Oh those green shoes how they stand out so perfectly:

Probably my favourite look from the collection. The orange works so well here:

Pretty colour combination:

Cool jacket:

Gaspard Yurkievich - I already had a glimpse of this collection last week and noticed it was pretty good. Love the puffy shirts as well as their low cut out blazers. Yum. Just overall it's very good and interesting design. The looks sometimes don't work that well and not everyone could pull it off wearing them, but the clothes themselves are gorgeous.
This jacket is very different. I like it:

I like these shoes. Nice blue colour.

Best blazer:

Dries Van Noten - Dries Van Noten is one of the best and this collection shows why. Great combination of unusual printed pants with classic looking blazers. Those lovely prints even come on shoes! Give me a pair of those! Very striking combinations. Such gentleman looks. Overall very elegant and pretty. One of my favourite collections. Here some of the best looks:

Love this shirt and tie combination. Must say that the hair of the model makes it all look even better :)

I came up with the tie as a belt idea myself too :)

Nicely printed shoes!:

This is rather lovely:

I like this jacket/cardigan kind of thing. Good colour:

Jean-Paul Gaultier - Not everything works that well but it's one of my favourite collections. I love how he dares to try new things. That's what fashion and design is about. Putting a new spin on traditional pieces. Just like Yurkievich does with the puffy shirts. He puts a new spin on things, Gaultier does the same. I appreciate him for doing that and most of the time it works out really well. All of those jackets and coats are great. I would love to own them all. I also like the shorts. I love those flappy things on some of the blazers. The stripey pants don't always work that well same for those girly kind of tops which cover the lower part of the chest. Above that you would expect breasts to show up. So I'm not sure if that's a thing that works for men. :)

This stripey trench is actually quite lovely:

This shirt shows what I mean with putting a new spin on things:

Now this is my kind of style Love this look:

I would love to wear this coat:

Someone get me this red jacket!!!

Now I don't know about these two looks. Hit or miss? I would say more miss than hit. It doesn't work that well on guys. Leave them for the women to wear.

The mediocre:Emanuel Ungaro - I'm not a big fan of pink and some of his looks are way too pink. I'm not a big fan of the pink white combination either. I do not like his full neck covering scarves. Some of his looks are extremely nice though. Those happen to be showing the more darker pieces. So I guess I would say he'd better stick to black and drop the pink/white. So overall some things are very good, but there's just too much within this collection I do not like. But here are some of the looks I do like:

These two are simple yet chique:

This one is really really nice:

Stephan Schneider - Guess he's still a young and new designer 'cause he didn't get to show many looks. So I'm not sure what to think. I don't like his fruit prints though. They aren't really my thing. Don't always like the thin scarves. This time I didn't like them either. But these two looks I present here are okay, especially what is shown in the second picture.

All images from
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