Just came back from seeing Women and Deerhunter. I was dissapointed Women played so short and they played more new songs that aren't on the album than ones that are. Also, because they were a support act a lot of people seemed to not know them and because they're not there especially for Women they weren't that enthusiastic, more looking, waiting to see how things would turn out, wondering if they're any good. Also, I could hardly hear the singer and I relaly enjoy listening to his voice. I did like the way they played though. Very relaxed and their hands moved so fast. I was very impressed. But yes, now I really wish I saw them when they were at the Paradiso those two times before. 'Cause both times they were the main act so I bet the atmosphere in the audience was way better and they played way more songs. They didn't even play Black Rice. For some reason after the gig while I was walking back to the train station the song was stuck in my head though. Deerhunter were good and nicer than I expected. They played some of their upbeat tracks and the people around me were dancing a bit, so that was definitely a good thing 'cause I like it when people dance. But they're very good live and the overall sound was great. Bradford Cox, the singer, sounded very good too. Always surprises me though that someone who doesn't have the nicest speaking voice sounds really nice when singing. And he's one of those people. So I had a good night out, though I'm very tired rifght now. Good news is that my MA thesis supervisor finally replied to my e-mail. He was content about my last chapter so next Friday I will show him the entire piece and then we'll have a look together at things which could use some improvement. So basically I'm done. I mean, the main content is there. I wrote everything. All I have to do now is to make some small changes to make it even better.
So for a change I took some pictures myself, but as you can see it's not easy as it takes a long while before my camera takes a picture at times. You click and then you need to hold it in place and that takes a couple of seconds, don't know why. Maybe because it's dark and I don't use a flash. At least not at a gig, 'cause I don't want to bother the band you know. I can totally understand if they would be annoyed with flashing lights in their faces all the time. Plus, I'm way too busy enjoying the music so I get annoyed myself, because I would love to take pictures and look for nice angles and light, but not while I'm at a gig enjoying a song. So I kind of end up feeling obliged to take a picture and then just click without putting much thought behind it, just to have at least taken some. And I'm not too happy I have to hold the camera the entire gig either. :( But the pictures you find below I actually really like. I don't mind Bradford Cox ended up all purple. Makes him look better. :D


You see, blurry, blurry, blurry! But in some of the pictures I really like the blur. There were only like 4 or 5 more pictures I'd taken but which really didn't end up good, so I still think I did a pretty decent job in getting the ones here to look fairly good. ;)
Some pictures of Amsterdam and the train, non-gig related:

Haarlem train station:

hi there. glad you enjoyed the gig, I had an amazing time too. women did play black rice tho, the second song of the set!
Really?? They did play the song?! Haha. Well, I guess that really shows I had a hard time hearing the singer or maybe I just didn't remember?! Thanks for pointing that out. :)
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