Pictures from Metric from Wednesday night (I didn't take them, someone else did). I still can't get enough. If they would play again tonight, I would so go! By the way, I could have seen Franz Ferdinand tomorrow night, I noticed there still are tickets available, even though on the Ticketmaster site it says it's sold out. But it's something like 32,50 euros and even though it might be worth the money, I'm sure it is, it's A LOT. And I don't want to see them that badly, I mean, I like them, but I've never had a fanatic period, never been truly obsessed, which kind of has to do with the fact that I have never really gotten the time to really listen to them often. I do know some people who would probably go nomatter the price. But still, if anyone wants to invest in me, feel free. Three people, 10 euros each. It could get me there...

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