Lately I'd been thinking about bringing back my blog called Analyzing Pictures which I used for writing reviews on all the movies I'd see. However, because of not having enough time, knowing that probably no one reads the blog anyway, while also no longer believing in writing reviews, I decided it had been enough after having already resurrected it from the death before. But now I'm planning to bring it back again, but differently. I've been thinking a lot about what could be a more interesting way of writing a review or at least convincing people to see or not see a film, getting them excited, by giving your opinion about it. But the thing is, most people will go to a movie anyway, no matter if reviews are good yes/no. If you already decided to see it before reviews came in you'll probably go and see it anyway. Of course I do let myself get influenced by reviews, visiting sites like and to see how much of a percentage of all reviews are positive/negative. Often this has me ending up saying that reviews are good when I see a film receives like 80% of positive reviews. But, in contrast to what it at times might assume, I don't read reviews. Never actually. So when I say that reviews for a movie are really good it only means I saw that they received a high percentage of positive reviews. This does really influence my excitement for a film as it can be very much increased. It's the same effect awards such as the Oscars can have on people which often make them decide to watch a certain film. How many times have you not been in a DVD store hearing the person next to you say to a friend: 'This one got 8 Oscars!', which to them means, one, it's apparently really good 'cause it won Oscars, and two, buy it! But even though I feel those sites like and are a very good way of getting people excited for a movie and perhaps the best way, I do want to try something new. Instead of writing reviews about an entire movie I will just write something or maybe nothing at all about one image, one movie still that I choose from the movie I've seen and then post on the blog. So that's what I'm going to do. To convince you to see a movie or at least gete xcited for it based on one image from that film. At the end of the day movies are just images, and to me the look of the image is still always one of the most important things to me and maybe even the most important. I could go and see a movie only because it appears to look good. I guess over the years I have created a real love for the image.
A couple of days ago I watched Bande À Part (Band Of Outsiders) for the first time. Now if I could choose one image that I liked, I would choose this one below, although it's hard to choose just one image. Might not be the one I think was the nicest, but it's one of many. For instance, I could have chosen a ny other image from Bande À Part but I decided to take this one. I could perhaps even have chosen every image, but that would be posting the entire film and that's not my intention. This one image has to make you go and see all the images yourself. So would you go and check out the film just because of this one image? Does it get you excited for it?
My 'review' of Bande À Part :)

And last night I saw Efter Brylluppet (After The Wedding) by Susanne Bier who's truly one of the best directors out there. She really shows how crucial a good director is for telling a story. 'Cause at times her stories might be a bit melodramatic, a little bit like a soap opera. But it's the way she tells the story, the way she connects the characters emotionally that make her films so affective.
Efter Brylluppet:

Analyzing Pictures
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