According to some shouts on the page of the concert of last night, not everyone liked it. For me, when I go out to a concert I just want to have fun, hear the songs I know played live and just go out of control. Dance to those tracks like I always do at home but now with the full band playing live in front of me. So I'm not one who's going to complain about the sound not being too good. I just take things for how they are. And honestly, I thought it still sounded very good. Don't know why they complain. But then again I'm a sucker for the drummer, I always follow his beat and those drums are always heard clearly, if not, there's a real problem. I was standing completely at the front. I was early, they weren't even open yet when I got there. What I didn't like is that on the ticket it says that doors open at 19.30 and the show will start at 20.30. Normally when that is written it means that the start of the show is the main act starting to perform. But apparently in Melkweg that's not the case, 'cause I Heart Hiroshima began at 20.30, who were supporting The Rakes. So I already was waiting for more than an hour before they came on. They played a pretty long set though. I enjoyed them a lot, but as always with supporting acts you feel you can't go completely wild yet. You always feel the crowd is a little hesitant and holds back, 'cause when the main act starts it's like boom, complete chaos, people jumping everywhere, but not with the supporting act, nomatter how good they are and I Heart Hiroshima were definitely good. That's what happened this time as well, but when The Rakes came on there was one explosion of energy. I loved it. The guy next to my left was completely into it as well just like me and all of a sudden this other girl and guy appeared with smiles on their faces dancing with a passion who apparently thought like, yay, the party has really started here, lets join these people. To my surprise, as always, don't know why I'm still surprised :) some of the girls behind me were standing pretty still as were the girls to my right, though I didn't pay any further attention to them, I was enjoying myself way too much. But I was forced to turn around and look behind me because I almost jumped on one girl's feet twice so that's how I found out they weren't moving too much or at least not as much as I do. But I was real happy 'cause I had still a lot of space to dance around. And I noticed that the singer of the band Alan Donohoe (until some seconds ago I had no idea what his name was, thanks Wikipedia!) and I have a pretty similar dancing style. His feet move like mine. So as usual I had tons of fun. Definitely worth the wait. And like the two previous concerts, Metric and Franz Ferdinand, at the end I was completely soaked. So I'm not wearing the same shirt again I wore last night. Jeans are still okay though, even though those ended up a bit sticky as well :D But I just like them too much, I want to wear them at least one more day. Highlight for me apparently was the song We Are All Animals, 'cause that's the one that was burned in my head when I was walking back to the train station afterwards. Did a late night photography session but at first I didn't know why my camera didn't want to go into focus. Couldn't figure it out. In the end it got back into focus, though, but then I was already close to the station to get on the train. Those out of focus ones do look pretty interesting though, because of them not being in focus. But next time I will take proper ones. Today I'm planning to watch Coraline at the Pathé. Starts at 14.30 and I will go and see if my MA supervisor is in his office 'cause I still haven't heard anything from him. I really don't know what to do... :(
So first the out of focus ones then those that are in focus. Bad photographer... ;)

Some pictures of last night. Not taken by me.
The Rakes:

I Heart Hiroshima:
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