So I had a 9 for my evaluation/exam (!!!!) which is real high and a bit ridiculous and too much I guess. Not sure why me, like why are they so positive about me?! But it's not something I think about which is strange 'cause I usually think about everything and feel like I over-analyze way too much and search for a reason behind everything, why exactly I feel this way, why I respond to something in a certain way etc. But this is something I don't really think about. I just let it happen. Maybe it's because I know I'm not that great as they make me want to believe I am. I mean, I guess I have some talent, but I know I'm not at all amazing and far from brilliant or genius
A while ago we made a video at school. We were able to choose from bits of audio of movie trailers including the one for Requiem For A Dream. I made the video together with a girl from my class and it's very different from all the other films. I feel it's much more conceptual and it's a bit more art in a fashion kind of way.
LOVES Music, Cinema, Fashion, Art, Writing, Photography, Drawing, Acting, His Skateboard, His Tambourine, His Polaroid Camera! <...> GUS Van Sant I Want To Be In Your Movies! + In Alexis Dos Santos + Cam Archer Ones Too :) <...> WANTS To Move To Utrecht
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