Here's the very cool video for Flash Delirium. Watching it I keep expecting Grace Zabriskie to suddenly pop up!
Oh the beginning is so cute when Andrew reaches for Ben's hand who's clutching his neck. You can tell it's so staged, but still it's so sweet. Just look at Andrew's face. He's like 'no, don't do that'. It's as if to indicate the two of them take real good care of each other.
To illustrate I made a screencap :)

Awwwwwwww :DDD
And the montage at the end, NICEEEEE!
I've seen Burton's Alice In Wonderland (no Shutter Island yet). I didn't have very high expectations and instead of being excited about seeing the movie I've been feeling way more excited to read the original Lewis Carroll story. I remember as a child my mum read it for me once after getting the book from the library but I have no idea whether we ever finished it or not. But anyway, I have to read it. I feel inclined to. Also, this might be my last time putting on the 3D glasses. Not that I had a huge headache but I can't say I felt truly comfortable watching the film. And honestly, it didn't add that much. So next time I'll be watching a 3D film in 2D again unless I hear watching it in 3D is really worthwhile which is what I've been hearing about Dreamwork's How To Train Your Dragon. As usual Helena Bonham Carter steals every scene she's in. I'm looking forward to what Burton comes up with next and even though it's not at all bad, I'd rather move on and not waste too much time on this one.
Model Freja Beha Erichsen by Emma Summerton

Via Fashion Gone Rogue
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