Sunday, 28 February 2010
I've basically been chat rouletting all day (!!!!!!) :(( I fear for my non-chat roulette life... Hopefully this addiction won't last long!

Apparently this site is all the rage right now according to a newspaper article I read about it. And usually I'm not one who likes to follow hypes, unless I just happen to have already known about it before it became all fashionable and stuff. But this site is pretty cool and something you just might want to experience, because in a way there's nothing else like it. Just as with all hypes it can get very addictive real quick but there's a good chance that addiction won't last for longer than a week or so, as with most hypes. But who knows, perhaps this one lasts. What's interesting about it is that you meet a random person face to face, it's almost like speeddating (not that I've ever done that, but I think it's similar) or going on a blinddate (never did that either) and both you and the other person can decide to start a conversation or just click on the 'next' button and the site will then randomnly select a new person for you. So far I met a really nice guy from Paris who makes pretty cool music with a friend and who draws. He's been to art school which is cool 'cause I'm in art school right now. So that's a very positive and nice conversation I had with just a regular normal type of guy. There are people, however, who use Chat Roulette for complete different reasons. Some might look to find the one, others just want to see a hot boy/girl, there are dirty old men and probably women too who like to appear naked on their cams or flashing their boobs for you :) You have to be up for that. If you can't take that then this site isn't for you. Just don't take it too seriously and well, just click 'next' when something like that occurs. What's also nice is to see the reaction from people at seeing you first time. If you can use a selfesteem boost you might want to visit the site 'cause it already happenend to me that I stared face to face in to they eyes of a girl or several girls whose instant reaction were smiles and typing things like 'hiyaaaa' or 'hey cutie'. That can be quite nice if you need it. :DD But I have a feeling there aren't a lot of regular guys using the site and these girls might have looked straight into the eyes of several old hairy naked men before they saw me, so of course then yes, when they see me they are all relieved and think, ooooh, a normal guy! Hooray and they get all excited. One thing that is very important is having a good internet connection cause after chatting to the French guy mine happened to become less and less stable so my cam kept freezing and I couldn't continue a conversation with a very blue eyed Parisian boy (see picture above), two girls (or girl and boy wasn't sure about one) who really liked my smile, and a couple from Ohio who were both 22, though to me they looked older. So if you get attached to people very quickly watch out with this site. Because if your connection fails you and you haven't exchanged e-mail or names so you can add each other on a site like Facebook, you might never stare into the other person's eyes again. I, for example, can get attached pretty quickly and you don't want to get in desperation mode re-conneceting to the site over and over again hoping the site randomnly selects that same person again you chatted with the night before but whom you lost because your cam froze. So be careful. Other than that it can make for a really nice experience. It's very confronting and puts you in an awkward position. It often happens that both you and the other person keep quiet for a bit at first especially when this person looks like a regular person you meet on the street and who doesn't seem to have any weird intentions and if you aren't used to using webcam while chatting, like me, it can make you feel self-conscious a bit too. I for one don't really know where to look. At my cam, at the other person's cam, or just keep my eyes on the typing board?? I'll probably use the site a couple more times this week even though I could spend my time on much more important things!
I got my Foals ticket YES!! So I'm offically going. Best gig of the year already :DDD
Friday, 26 February 2010
Just came back from The Drums, yep, I'm home early for a change! Interesting night, lot to speak about. Normally I'm all on my own and it's not often I run into people I know. So I go to a gig and can focus all on the music being a little fanboy standing completely at the front, camera ready :DD That's how it's been lately. But for some reason, don't know how it all happened suddenly, this year my life has become more social in the sense that I happen to meet people I know a lot more than I used to, so I got people to speak to. It's all very nice and such a difference with last year already. I really find myself in a very positive space these days and am very optimistic about the future. These two first months of this year have just been really good to me. I feel much better than I felt in months, much more happy with myself and discovered all these new things about myself especially considering school and stuff. It makes me feel very happy. So tonight I ran into this girl who also worked at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, she was co-ordinating us ushers. I already had a feeling going to this gig that I might run into someone familiar 'cause during one of the parties at the cinema I was working during the festival the DJ played Let's Go Surfing which surprised me 'cause I really thought these guys were not that well known at all. But seems they are really starting to blow-up. But more surprised I was to notice that some of the people I was with that night knew the song including the girl I met tonight. So we started chatting and then another girl from the festival showed up and she had brought along a friend and that friend and I started a really interesting conversation about music as well as film. She told me she was really enthusiastic about a film she recently saw which was J'Ai Tué Ma Mère, so as you can imagine I was already loving this girl, 'cause that film is one of the best pieces of art/cinema I've ever set my eyes on! :p But there's both an upside as well as a downside to all this. The downside is that when I'm with people I know or happen to meet someone and start talking to this person my focus becomes all on the conversation. We were standing quite far from the stage and when The Drums came on we hadn't moved one bit. It was already completely full and I could hardly see a thing. I stood at the back for something like 3 songs and then finally got more to the front. I don't know, I always feel bad about getting in front of people even when these people seem much more interested in talking to their friends and drinking beers instead of listening to the band that's playing. Of course I was one of the few people around moving to the music, these two guys in front of me were standing completely still and they were tall so I had to stand on my toes to be able to catch a glimpse of the guys including my tambourine hero! When Jonathan Pierce (the singer of the band) said something like 'this next song is about my Best Friend' something like that, I overheard a guy asking a girl 'What song do you think they're going to play now?' to which she responded, 'Uhmmmmmm... Let's Go Surfing?' Just die. Seriously. You take up valuable space. I don't understand these kind of people. I can't stand them really. Here I am, I love this bands' tunes, have listened to them quite a lot the last couple of months, was very excited to see them tonight, and I'm forced to stand at the back because of people like this girl who seem to just have read about The Drums or heard about them through a friend, I really have know idea how people like her end up at a place like this, but they do unfortunately (!), taking up all this space and keeping the real lovers of music, people who enjoy gigs and attend them for the music, far from the stage. It's unfair. I don't even know why I still feel bad about getting in front of people like her, but I do. I guess I'm just to polite, 'cause it's not something you do 'cause if I had wanted to stand at the front I should have just done that earlier. So yes, it is actually my own fault and I do feel a bit stupid about it. But then again, people like this girl shouldn't just be there. If you would throw out all the people who weren't that interested in The Drums tonight and have hardly heard any of their songs, you would probably only have like four or five rows of people left from the stage on. Anyway, I had to get out of there so eventually I stood something like row 3 or 4 and had a pretty good view. Still I'm surprised the pictures make it seem I was much more close to the guys than I actually was. They didn't turn out that well though, much too dark, so for more light I guess I should have just been front row or I should have used my flash, but I don't like doing that as I don't want to bother the band with throwing flashes of light up in their face. The worst thing is, though, that when they played one of my favourite tunes, Best Friend, I was still standing at the back so I only caught some glimpses of tambourine guy :(( Well, later on I saw him while he was playing the guitar, but that just wasn't the same. Ughhh, why do I get so caught up with talking to people, I should have just cut to a break and said, wait, I NEED to go to the front, like NOW, before it gets too crowded. It's nice for a change to talk to someone instead of just waiting all those minutes, spending all that time by myself, but I really need to learn bringing the talking to people and watchign the band together so I can enjoy both to the fullest. Standing not completely at the front made for a different view though, the music might have sounded better (?) 'cause that's how I sometimes feel, that when I stand a bit more at the back, a bit more behind the speakers perhaps, the sound is just a little bit better or it just sounds different (?) This venue Bitterzoet is really nice by the way. It's kind of the same size as the little room upstairs in Paradiso. So you can be pretty close to the artists. The Drums played I think all of the songs I have of them and a couple of new ones which all sounded really nice as well so I look forward to their full length debut album! At the front it was still somewhat quiet, although the two girls in front of me were moving along really well like me and I saw some guys too, dancing. I just had expected it to be a little bit more wild. Maybe it has to do with age? A lot of late 20 year olds and early 30 year olds (?) is my guess. I always like it when I forget about certain songs and then when they start playing those I'm like, 'oh this one, I like this one!' And I get all happy because of the band playing this song that I completely forgot about and it feels so good hearing it. Tonight that happened when they played Don't Be A Jerk, Jonny, I was like, 'Oooh yeah, they have this one as well, completely forgot!' This one seemed to be quite popular with the crowd which made me happy because it's one of my favourites. It seems already weeks ago but it was only last week that I saw Japandroids and all those other bands play. After seeing The Drums I totally feel in a gig mood again so I'm going to search for another one 'cause I think the only one on my schedule right now is Yeasayer which is March 20th, that's way too long from here! I should start going to a gig every week, at the least! :DD
It's gonna be my first time at this venue called Bitterzoet where The Drums are going to perform this evening. It's gonna be fun. Taking my camera with me! :D Getting my first Holga film roll developed this afternoon and school tomorrow. Didn't sleep well, I'm bloody tired :((
I'd like to have a sweater like this one

From Carolyn Massey's Fall 2010 collection.
Via The Fashionisto
I'm not a girl and don't wish to be, so thankfully there's also a male collection, but these pieces from the Burberry Prorsum Fall 2010 women collection are rather amazing

I love how they're able to add military detailing to their pieces and still are able to make it look classy and chic.
Photographed by Peter Zachary Voelker, featuring model Marcel Castenmiller

For more check out his website
I'd like to have a sweater like this one

From Carolyn Massey's Fall 2010 collection.
Via The Fashionisto
I'm not a girl and don't wish to be, so thankfully there's also a male collection, but these pieces from the Burberry Prorsum Fall 2010 women collection are rather amazing

I love how they're able to add military detailing to their pieces and still are able to make it look classy and chic.
Photographed by Peter Zachary Voelker, featuring model Marcel Castenmiller
For more check out his website
Burberry Prorsum,
Carolyn Massey,
Coute Que Coute,
The Drums,
The Fashionisto
Thursday, 25 February 2010
This morning I woke up early to work on my interpretation of this week's school assignment. This picture below is part of it. You should have been there just to see how nice it looked! And there was absolutely noone around so I could play around as much as I wanted with no voyeurs or peeping Toms around! Oh and I feel so stupid for not realizing we had this forest in my city. I've been here before but always went no further than this children's farm where they have some deers of which I've taken quite some polaroids in the past! Yesterday I went location scouting and decided to have a look at this forest 'cause I happened to remember it was there, which I had not before, don't ask me why :D Just think of the many pretty pictures I could have taken when it was snowing had I known about this forest before! Ugh, I should get to know my city better!!

When one day I grow taller I put that string up higher ;-)
Maybe I go back tomorrow 'cause plan was to make this big video 'cause I'd been having all these visions lately, but then the battery of my video camera had to be recharged :(( I might take some more interesting photo shoot type of pictures, experimenting a bit, as there isn't any one looking on anyway. It's my new secret private laboratory :P
When one day I grow taller I put that string up higher ;-)
Maybe I go back tomorrow 'cause plan was to make this big video 'cause I'd been having all these visions lately, but then the battery of my video camera had to be recharged :(( I might take some more interesting photo shoot type of pictures, experimenting a bit, as there isn't any one looking on anyway. It's my new secret private laboratory :P
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
A simple georgeous looking video for an equally georgeous song
And this video for Liars' Scissors shows just how a simple idea/premise can already make for a brilliant video. And the ending is hilarious, these kids have a good sense of humour :DD
Uhhh, what the f*ck??
By Haruki Nakamura

By Tamara Lichtenstein

By Matt Taylor

By Alan Sastre
All via BOOOOOOOM! (my new best friend)
Simon Nessman, styled by Long Nguyen, photographed by Taghi Naderzad

More via The Fashionisto
Bowerbirds "Northern Lights" from matt amato on Vimeo.
And this video for Liars' Scissors shows just how a simple idea/premise can already make for a brilliant video. And the ending is hilarious, these kids have a good sense of humour :DD
Liars "Scissor" from A Bruntel on Vimeo.
Uhhh, what the f*ck??
By Haruki Nakamura

By Tamara Lichtenstein

By Matt Taylor

By Alan Sastre
All via BOOOOOOOM! (my new best friend)
Simon Nessman, styled by Long Nguyen, photographed by Taghi Naderzad

More via The Fashionisto
The Fashionisto,
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
I'm seriously having tears in my eyes right now, can't breathe can't breatheeeeeeeeeee!!! Look just LOOKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's what I've been wating for ever since I listenend to those guys. I love them with a strong passion, a STRONG passion. It's gonna be an epic night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M DYING!!!!!!!!!!!

It's what I've been wating for ever since I listenend to those guys. I love them with a strong passion, a STRONG passion. It's gonna be an epic night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M DYING!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes it's really good to see those clothes moving instead of just looking at them as still images. Here's the Raf Simons show. I really love that long red sweater that's almost like a man dress/bodysuit. Makes for such a nice hourglass shape. And those man skirts which aren't really skirts but in a way they are. I like those as well. They look good which might come unexpected. Once again shows as long as it's a good fit and a good combination of colours those items work very well together! I used to think Raf Simons name was pronounced in the English way, thus 'Symons', but then I discovered or actually I realized it again 'cause I knew it once but I think I forgot, guy's Flemish. So it's pronounced the Dutch way. Not that this changes anything clothing wise, but it's good to know ;)
Looking at these still images really makes me realize these clothes look way better when moving. Not that they don't look good when not moving, they just look better when they do ;)

And I completely forgot about the Dr. Martens boots they designed last year. I want these soooo badly. I bet you can no longer find them anymore, but I would so buy them nomatter what price. Look how georgeous, so shiny. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Last night was just as I expected and hoped for. One of those typical indie rock gigs with lots of teenagers and early twenty year olds (?) at the front jumping, pushing, and moshing away. I got my ticket for 5 euros through someone I contacted via, 'cause he had a ticket left even though the gig wasn't sold out yet. But regular tickets were 10 euros and that's excluding extra costs. The thing was that a record shop in Amsterdam was selling tickets with a 50% discount, so instead of 10 euros they sold them for 5. I went to the shop on Friday but the reduced tickets were already gone. 10 euros was still alright for this kind of gig, but knowing I could have had tickets for 5 euros had I found out about those reduced ones earlier, having to pay 10 euros no longer felt right. So when this guy offered a ticket for any price that he was okay with I suggested paying him 5 euros for it just as much as in that record store. He agreed to it and we decided to meet up at Paradiso before the show would start. So last night I received the ticket from a girl who I guess is his girlfriend or just a friend and then went inside. However, Florence + The Machine were there last night as well and when I went in that one had apparently just finished. The first seconds it was semi-crowded the way it's like when you about to see a concert with not many people inside just yet. So I took off my coat without any rush, but then when I wanted to hand it over to the guys at the cloakroom the place had become packed with people who just came out from the big venue hall downstairs. And when I finally got to the desk of the cloakroom this guy told me it was already full and I had to try the one upstairs. It was already some minutes before 10 pm by this time and Good Shoes were going to start at 10 pm so I was getting a little worried the guys would start without me! Some girls in front of me had just arrived as well and were also standing on the stairs to the way up waiting with their coats in their hands while being completely surrounded by all these people who had just watched Florence and were now trying to pick up their coats. I started to think I would never make it in time and it was already past 10. When I finally got to the cloakroom upstairs I handed over my coat and got straight up to the small concert hall upstairs. When I got there I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the gig had not started yet! :DD It was like they had waited for me. I was so happy. Once I was there it didn't take long before the guys took on the stage. At first I was standing a bit in the back, something like row no. 4. There were these two guys standing in front of me a bit taller than I am and their shoulders being quite big :p So I didn't feel like going to great pains in order to get more to the front and instead waited for the moment which I was sure would come that all the people at the front would start to push each other creating a small moshpit. When Good Shoes started playing their first song the people at the front kept awfully quiet making me wonder if this is what it was going to be like all night with people just looking on. I already started to dance a bit and soon figured out that would people be standing still all night I wouldn't care and would go wild all by myself, not holding back. I felt able to throw my own party without the need of anyone else to get me pumped up. Some people close to my left obviously felt the same 'cause they too started moving to the music. Then once song two or three kicked in people at the front woke up and the little moshpit I was hoping for came into existence and before I knew it I was standing at the front :D which allowed me to take better pictures! Good Shoes played a lot of their songs both from the new as well as the old album. Their songs are quite short so they can play lots of them on one night. The kids at the front especially got wild when they played songs from the first album like The Photos On My Wall, Morden, and of course the brilliant We Are Not The Same which has an intro to die for. Several kids crowd surfed including the singer of the band himself Rhys Jones and two kids felt the need to get on stage and hug him. Rhys was wearing this really cool T-shirt which had an image of Goofy on it and by the end had gotten all sweaty. The band seemed to enjoy themselves and appeared happy that the crowd eventually got really into it arms up yelling the words to the songs heads banging around wild, acting like a bunch of wild animals set loose. All this made for a pretty nice and very satisfying evening for me. It was like Japandroids, but when comparing the two Japandroids comes out as the one that's far more superior, although last night was quite good as well. But Good Shoes is one of those typical bands that are just for fun and nothing more. I can go crazy about them, but I know they're not anywhere near the quality of Bloc Party, Wolf Parade or Foals. They're just for good times and in that Good Shoes definitely succeeds. So last night I got another injection of indie rock gig adrenaline, just what I needed. I love those kind of gigs and wish I could go to one every night. For this month there's only one more left and that's gonna be The Drums who will be in Amsterdam on Friday. This will be a completely different affair, I don't expect any moshing, but definitely some people will be dancing or at least I will be and judging from this video it's gonna be fun and definitely something else. Just look at the guy shaking that tambourine. Hilarious. Gotta love 'em already :DD
cute cute cute
Good Shoes
Guess they have a lot of fans/visitors. Just after the announcement which was on for only two days or just one even, Fashion Gone Rogue has already reached the amount of money needed to keep on existing! So that wasn't something to worry about

Good fashion gone rogue,
The Drums,
Monday, 22 February 2010
I'm so ready for tonight, it's gonna be good. They better play this one, but I'm pretty sure they will! :DD
Good chance it will be the highlight of the evening!
Good chance it will be the highlight of the evening!
For a while I've been searching for some good art blogs comparable to fashion photography ones like The Fashionisto or Fotografi. 'Cause a daily dosis of photography and especially fashion photography isn't enough. I need to expand and add a large dosis of sculpture, painting, video installation, collage, performance, any kind of art to my list! Knowing that fashion photography images already get me hella inspired I'm excited to see what a daily dosis of other arts will add to my creative urges.
First of, there's Booooooom, probably the coolest looking one of the bunch. Here you find film, design and even music as well. Pictures of Andrea Myers' sculptures were posted today, never heard of her. I'm really not familiar with any kind of artists really, except for photographers, film directors, musicians and some painters/sculptures. So it's time to know a lot more of them!

By Andrea Meyers
Then there's A Journery Round My Skull. Lots of illustration around here. Illustration by the way isn't just drawing, it can also be 3D as I've discovered at school the past Saturday! :)
Via this site I found out about Unica Zürn. It's crazy all those different layers in those drawings. At first glance you see one picture, but then you see something completely different and then it turns out there are several images combined into one. So much to discover. Great art makes you look several times.


This one is from Julien Gracq's A Dark Stranger. I'm not sure if the drawing is by Mr. Gracq himself, but seeing this image definitely makes me want to read the book! :)

At CG Unit you find photography as well. With this one you really have to be careful because you'll be spending lots of time here once you see all the incredible things that are posted here. Can't save everything!
Also, better not to visit all these sites while listening to Carter Burwell's soundtrack for Where The Wild Things Are, unless you want to have your eyes filled up with tears while watching all the pieces of art and inject yourself with a strong feeling of sadness!
Today works of Vincent Hui were posted and yesterday images by Rafa Jenn

By Vincent Hui

By Rafa Jenn
Also worth checking out are But Does It Float and the first one I've been using Fuck Yeah Art Brut
The internet is a wonderful thing!
Fashion Gone Rogue is dying :(
First of, there's Booooooom, probably the coolest looking one of the bunch. Here you find film, design and even music as well. Pictures of Andrea Myers' sculptures were posted today, never heard of her. I'm really not familiar with any kind of artists really, except for photographers, film directors, musicians and some painters/sculptures. So it's time to know a lot more of them!

By Andrea Meyers
Then there's A Journery Round My Skull. Lots of illustration around here. Illustration by the way isn't just drawing, it can also be 3D as I've discovered at school the past Saturday! :)
Via this site I found out about Unica Zürn. It's crazy all those different layers in those drawings. At first glance you see one picture, but then you see something completely different and then it turns out there are several images combined into one. So much to discover. Great art makes you look several times.


This one is from Julien Gracq's A Dark Stranger. I'm not sure if the drawing is by Mr. Gracq himself, but seeing this image definitely makes me want to read the book! :)

At CG Unit you find photography as well. With this one you really have to be careful because you'll be spending lots of time here once you see all the incredible things that are posted here. Can't save everything!
Also, better not to visit all these sites while listening to Carter Burwell's soundtrack for Where The Wild Things Are, unless you want to have your eyes filled up with tears while watching all the pieces of art and inject yourself with a strong feeling of sadness!
Today works of Vincent Hui were posted and yesterday images by Rafa Jenn

By Vincent Hui

By Rafa Jenn
Also worth checking out are But Does It Float and the first one I've been using Fuck Yeah Art Brut
The internet is a wonderful thing!
Fashion Gone Rogue is dying :(

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