I heard about him because his film Wild Tigers I Have Known received some buzz when played at festivals and in the latest issue of Interview Magazine there's a small portrait on him as he is about to finish his second feature film. It's kind of stupid but what interests me the most or what has attracted me towards him is actually his name. It's just real cool. Cam Archer. Sounds good. But also the title of his first feature film Wild Tigers I Have Known I just really love. It just one of those titles which makes you wonder because in a way they don't make any sense. I guess, not until you've seen the movie. So that's a really good title 'cause it makes you want to see the film and figure out why it's called this way. Also, Gus Van Sant is one of the executive producers of the film. So yeah, more reason to start loving Mr. Archer. But of course his work is most important. I haven't seen Wild Tigers I Have Known though. I did get so far as once watching the trailer, though I don't really remember it. Only thing that stuck by me was that the film's cinematography seemed pretty awesome. And I also saw this video directed by Mr. Archer by songstress Emily Jane White who wrote a song for the film which has the same title. Now I just Googled the guy and ended up on his website. Of course he also takes pictures. He also did some music videos. The one I want to share is the video for Six Organs of Admittance's song Goodnight. Aaron Platt who works a lot with Mr. Archer it seems is the director of photography. So I guess the pretty images are Mr. Platt's doing. Or at least of them both as I assume as a director you would interfere in all decision makings.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008

Friendly Fires started out as just another one of those bands, but lately I feel like obsessing over them. Their album has been growing on me and now I LOVE it. It keeps getting better and better. It's so fun, funky and danceable. I know I know, I still love Foals as well and all thsoe other bands. But right now I'm all for Friendly Fires. Recently I discovered the greatness of two tracks Lovesick and Photobooth after already realizing Skeleton Boy, Jump In The Pool, and of course Paris are great. Also, On Board is starting become a real favourite, thanks to this incredible stripped down version they did for Stereogum which just launched these video sessions thingy called Decomposed. It truly proofs that Ed MacFarlane who does lead vocals in the band has a great voice and is an awesome singer. Some singers in bands don't seem that great but Ed is a real exception as the video from the Decomposed sessions shows. Enjoy it below!
Ed MacFarlane,
Friendly Fires,
Friday, 26 December 2008
Soon I'll also be making a best of 2008 film list. As you can see it seems as if I haven't seen that many films in 2008. But I have based this list below on Imdb and the year of release which is stated on their site. So a film like Boy A was really amazing and was released here in The Netherlands not too long ago. However, its official release date was in 2007 already. So this complicates everything a bit. A lot of foreign films like for instance Le Fils De L'épicier are released here a bit later than in their own country. So that's one from 2007 even though it found a release date in cinemas here somewhere in July. I could have said, lets just add that one too 2008 as well. But then I have to base everything on the Dutch release date. And then a film like Towelhead has to wait until next year as it will be released here officially next month, so Januray 2009. But I already saw it in October! And a film like In Search Of A Midnight Kiss hasn't even been released here yet officially. But Imdb lists both of them as having been released in 2007. So I will therefore see them as films of 2007. I could also just base my list on films I saw at the cinema this year, but then that would include a film like The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford as well which I saw January the 11th, but which was already playing in the cinema some time earlier, but I just didn't see it before. Plus, at that time I was living in the UK. So not to complicate things, here is my list of films I saw that were released in 2008 according to Imdb. It includes documentaries as well! Soon a best of list will follow with acting categories etc.!:
Il Y A Longtemps Que Je T'Aime
Iron Man
Caos Calmo
The Dark Knight
Lake Tahoe
Body Of Lies
Quantum Of Solace
7915 KM
Project Kashmir
Pray The Devil Back To Hell
Afghan Star
Entre Les Murs
RiP - A Remix Manifesto
Dear Zachary: A Letter To A Son About His Father
Burn After Reading
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Hope to see these before the end of the year:
Un Conte De Noël
Il Y A Longtemps Que Je T'Aime
Iron Man
Caos Calmo
The Dark Knight
Lake Tahoe
Body Of Lies
Quantum Of Solace
7915 KM
Project Kashmir
Pray The Devil Back To Hell
Afghan Star
Entre Les Murs
RiP - A Remix Manifesto
Dear Zachary: A Letter To A Son About His Father
Burn After Reading
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Hope to see these before the end of the year:
Un Conte De Noël
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
B has a new video, two actually. One is for Diva in which she can be seen wearing that thing on her nose. She even walks while carrying them. Don't tell me you are able to see through those things, unless you keep shaking your head so they start to move and some light can come through. It's ridiculous. I guess these are the Kanye glasses for the girls.

Monday, 22 December 2008
I was reading about science-fiction and therefore happened to read about the Mandelbrot set named after Benoît B. Mandelbrot. It's all a bit complicated, but in an animation it looks like this. From one part you move into another part and then another one. If I understand it correctly, the Mandelbrot set isn't infinite, but bounded. So it kind of gets stuck in a sort of loop. It's finite and keeps on happening again. Maybe I'm completely wrong though. Well, enjoy this animation thingy.

Can't get enough of this band or their videos. This is the one for the song Cassius. It's really random, probably doesn't make any sense, but it just looks a lot of fun. I almost feel like reconsidering my number one album of 2008.
Apparently the lead vocalist and I have the same kind of hairstyle going on.
Apparently the lead vocalist and I have the same kind of hairstyle going on.
Wow I had no idea Emir Kusturica was such a comedic genius. Yesterday I saw my first Kusturica film. I had heard about him, but apparently had no clue what his movies were like. At all. Black Cat, White Cat (Crna Macka, Beli Macor) was on Tv last night so I decided to stay at my parents' 'cause I don't have TV myself and I felt I could not miss out on this opportunity to see a Kusturica film. It was about time that I saw one. I absoultely loved it. This entire film is hilarious. I kept thinking throughout the film, how is someone able to write all this?! The screenplay for it must have been crazy. Just to imagine all those scenes, all those characters. And then to direct it with so many people present, so many things happening at the same time. Must have been a very tough job, but Kusturica has managed to somehow do it all. Another thought I kept having was how the guy who played the son, Zare, would have looked so well in a black and white film. He just has that look of these characters in classic films. That boyish-ness you find in characters from films like Les Quatre Cents Coups or Ladri Di Biciclette. Strange that the actor, Florijan Ajdini, hasn't made a film after this one which also was his debut. At times also the mise-en-scène reminded me of a Fellini movie. Anyway, I'm happy I finally got the chance to see a Kusturica film. Definitely want to see more.
Saturday, 20 December 2008

Friday, 19 December 2008

P.S.: Band pictures are so random.
Oh, and isn't the cover art pretty? I'd say YESSS
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Yep. I did. All of the albums you see below are the ones that were released in 2008 and that I listened to in full! From Sigur Rós and Kyte to Kanye West,Santogold and even Scarlett Johansson. From MGMT and Crystal Castles to Coldplay, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and the lesser known Beach House. All of them released albums this year. Of some I had even forgotten theirs was released in 2008 and not before 'cause it seems I've been listening to those for forever! Lots of debut albums as well. There were over-hyped bands such as Vampire Weekend, probably the most over-hyped one out there, with MGMT coming shortly after. Only time will tell what will be left of those two new bands. Will they please their fans with another great record or will they fail in the way as The Killers have. Not that The Killers have failed, at least I don't think so. But Day & Age is no Hot Fuss. But does it have to be? I'd day no, but lots of people think otherwise. Lots of albums I only listened to lately after having lost all my music. Yes, all these albums were in my playlist with lots more even. More than 5200 songs went up into smoke! :(
But yeah, after having listened to so many records during this year only (I can't hardly believe it myself!) I think I'm more than allowed to present my own top 10 or top 50 or whatever best of/favourite album list. It will be hard to say which ones were the best. Though I know which is my number one record of 2008. I've known which one that is for a very long time already. But to say which album was the best is tough. So that's why my list will be a best of/favourite list of 2008. 'Cause I might really like Ra Ra Riot's album, but does that mean it was one of the best? And there might be a really great album out there like for instance Dear Science by TV On The Radio, but did it end up up as being one of my favourites? Perhaps this is due to not having played some of the albums enough. Most albums take some time to grow on me before I can really appreciate them. Anyway, soon I'll present my best of/favourite albums of 2008 list. I just started to listen to Foals today. Like their album Antidotes a lot and that after one listen. I will also start listening to Portishead's Third and The Raconteurs second album before the year ends.
I can say though that 2008 was a great year in music and there are still some records I haven't even heard yet. Who knows, this list might even get longer.
Well, here it is, my list of all the albums I listened to in 2008 that were released in 2008! (soon there will be a best of/favourites list!):
Foals – Antidotes
Women – Women
Air Traffic - Fractured Life
Santogold – Santogold
Death Cab For Cutie – Narrow Stairs
Coldplay – Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
Radiohead – In Rainbows
Beck – Modern Guilt
British Sea Power - Do You Like Rock Music?
Throw Me The Statue – Moonbeams
Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow and Blue
Crystal Castles – Crystal Castles
She & Him – Volume One
The Teenagers – Reality Check
The Dodos – Visiter
Kyte - Kyte
Bowerbirds – Hymns For A Dark Horse
Sun Kill Moon – April
Man Man – Rabbit Habits
Cloud Cult – Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes)
The Kooks – Konk
M83 - Saturdays = Youth
James Morrison – Songs For You, Truths For Me
Yoav – Charmed & Strange
MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
Vampire Weekend – Vampire Weekend
TV On The Radio – Dear Science
Sigur Rós - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
The Morning Benders – Talking Through Tin Cans
The Last Shadow Puppets – The Age of the Understatement
Scarlett Johansson – Anywhere I Lay My Head
Bonnie “Prince” Billy – Lie Down in the Light
The Cool Kids – Bake Sale
Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules & Love Affair
Albert Hammond Jr. - ¿Como te Llama?
Ratatat – LP3
The Academy Is – Fast Times At Barrington High
One Night Only - Started A Fire
Black Kids – Partie Traumatic
Ra Ra Riot – The Rhumb Line
Noah and the Whale – Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down
Mogwai - The Hawk Is Howling
Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes
Lykke Li – Youth Novels
Lambchop – OH (Ohio)
Of Montreal – Skeletal Lamping
Bloc Party – Intimacy
Megapuss – Surfing
Wolf Parade – At Mount Zoomer
Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago
The Killers – Day & Age
Kanye West – 808s & Heartbreak
Robyn - Robyn
Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head – Glistening Pleasure
Friendly Fires – Friendly Fires
The Mae Shi - HLLLYH
Little Joy – Little Joy
Dido – Safe Trip Home
The Dø – A Mouthful
Cansei De Ser Sexy – Donkey
Conor Oberst – Conor Oberst
The Walkmen – You & Me
Brendan Canning – Something For All Of Us
Shearwater – Rook
Deerhunter – Microcastle
Cut Copy – In Ghost Colours
Dr. Dog – Fate
The Black Keys – Attack And Release
Lightspeed Champion - Falling Off The Lavender Bridge
Cold War Kids – Loyalty To Loyalty
Cat Power – Jukebox
Tokyo Police Club – Elephant Shell
Islands – Arm’s Way
Silver Jews – Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea
Mountain Goats - Heretic Pride
Keane – Perfect Symmetry
No Age – Nouns
Frightened Rabbit – The Midnight Organ Fight
We Are Scientists – Brain Thrust Mastery
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds – Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!
Destroyer – Trouble In Dreams
Beach House – Devotion
SiA – Some People Have Real Problems
Plus soon:
The Raconteurs – Consolers Of The Lonely
Portishead - Third
Blitzen Trapper – Furr
Margot & The Nuclear So And So's - Not Animal
The Pigeon Detectives - Emergency
Glasvegas - Glasvegas
The Apples In Stereo - Electronic Projects For Musicicans
Tindersticks - The Hungry Saw
Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dymphna
Late Of The Pier - Fantasy Black Channel
Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing
But yeah, after having listened to so many records during this year only (I can't hardly believe it myself!) I think I'm more than allowed to present my own top 10 or top 50 or whatever best of/favourite album list. It will be hard to say which ones were the best. Though I know which is my number one record of 2008. I've known which one that is for a very long time already. But to say which album was the best is tough. So that's why my list will be a best of/favourite list of 2008. 'Cause I might really like Ra Ra Riot's album, but does that mean it was one of the best? And there might be a really great album out there like for instance Dear Science by TV On The Radio, but did it end up up as being one of my favourites? Perhaps this is due to not having played some of the albums enough. Most albums take some time to grow on me before I can really appreciate them. Anyway, soon I'll present my best of/favourite albums of 2008 list. I just started to listen to Foals today. Like their album Antidotes a lot and that after one listen. I will also start listening to Portishead's Third and The Raconteurs second album before the year ends.
I can say though that 2008 was a great year in music and there are still some records I haven't even heard yet. Who knows, this list might even get longer.
Well, here it is, my list of all the albums I listened to in 2008 that were released in 2008! (soon there will be a best of/favourites list!):
Foals – Antidotes
Women – Women
Air Traffic - Fractured Life
Santogold – Santogold
Death Cab For Cutie – Narrow Stairs
Coldplay – Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
Radiohead – In Rainbows
Beck – Modern Guilt
British Sea Power - Do You Like Rock Music?
Throw Me The Statue – Moonbeams
Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow and Blue
Crystal Castles – Crystal Castles
She & Him – Volume One
The Teenagers – Reality Check
The Dodos – Visiter
Kyte - Kyte
Bowerbirds – Hymns For A Dark Horse
Sun Kill Moon – April
Man Man – Rabbit Habits
Cloud Cult – Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes)
The Kooks – Konk
M83 - Saturdays = Youth
James Morrison – Songs For You, Truths For Me
Yoav – Charmed & Strange
MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
Vampire Weekend – Vampire Weekend
TV On The Radio – Dear Science
Sigur Rós - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
The Morning Benders – Talking Through Tin Cans
The Last Shadow Puppets – The Age of the Understatement
Scarlett Johansson – Anywhere I Lay My Head
Bonnie “Prince” Billy – Lie Down in the Light
The Cool Kids – Bake Sale
Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules & Love Affair
Albert Hammond Jr. - ¿Como te Llama?
Ratatat – LP3
The Academy Is – Fast Times At Barrington High
One Night Only - Started A Fire
Black Kids – Partie Traumatic
Ra Ra Riot – The Rhumb Line
Noah and the Whale – Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down
Mogwai - The Hawk Is Howling
Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes
Lykke Li – Youth Novels
Lambchop – OH (Ohio)
Of Montreal – Skeletal Lamping
Bloc Party – Intimacy
Megapuss – Surfing
Wolf Parade – At Mount Zoomer
Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago
The Killers – Day & Age
Kanye West – 808s & Heartbreak
Robyn - Robyn
Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head – Glistening Pleasure
Friendly Fires – Friendly Fires
The Mae Shi - HLLLYH
Little Joy – Little Joy
Dido – Safe Trip Home
The Dø – A Mouthful
Cansei De Ser Sexy – Donkey
Conor Oberst – Conor Oberst
The Walkmen – You & Me
Brendan Canning – Something For All Of Us
Shearwater – Rook
Deerhunter – Microcastle
Cut Copy – In Ghost Colours
Dr. Dog – Fate
The Black Keys – Attack And Release
Lightspeed Champion - Falling Off The Lavender Bridge
Cold War Kids – Loyalty To Loyalty
Cat Power – Jukebox
Tokyo Police Club – Elephant Shell
Islands – Arm’s Way
Silver Jews – Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea
Mountain Goats - Heretic Pride
Keane – Perfect Symmetry
No Age – Nouns
Frightened Rabbit – The Midnight Organ Fight
We Are Scientists – Brain Thrust Mastery
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds – Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!
Destroyer – Trouble In Dreams
Beach House – Devotion
SiA – Some People Have Real Problems
Plus soon:
The Raconteurs – Consolers Of The Lonely
Portishead - Third
Blitzen Trapper – Furr
Margot & The Nuclear So And So's - Not Animal
The Pigeon Detectives - Emergency
Glasvegas - Glasvegas
The Apples In Stereo - Electronic Projects For Musicicans
Tindersticks - The Hungry Saw
Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dymphna
Late Of The Pier - Fantasy Black Channel
Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing
Monday, 15 December 2008
So the kid playing the boy from Scotland Mike is the kid from Sweet Sixteen whom I believe at that time didn't have any acting exprerience. Now I want to see that film even more, I think we still have it on VHS somewhere recorded from TV! His name, btw, is Martin Compston and he makes acting look so easy. I looked him up 'cause I was surprised by him as he looked so real, as if he wasn't even acting. You can see he's just so at ease in front of the camera.

On music, Born Ruffians, they're really cool. I checked them out many times before coming across their name many times, but concluded I didn't like them. Once I did a reboot and lost all my music I thought let's listen to one of their albums. So I listened to Red, Yellow & Blue and it's fun. Barnacle Goose so far definitely is my favourite. So much spunk. And of course they're from Canada.

Also, Thom Yorke The Eraser. Had it in my playlist but never paid too much attention to it. These last couple of days I have listened to it many times. Such a gem. I have to admit I like this much more than any Radiohead album I've listened to so far. And I really do like Radiohead.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Justin Vernon & Co. aka Bon Iver have released a new EP, or actually not yet. It can be purchased in the US from January 20, but it has already found its way onto the internet. The EP features the already live performed Blood Bank and three new songs. Just like the album the songs are great and recall that same mood. I really love this band.

Monday, 8 December 2008
All my music got deleted from my pc after doing a reboot :( And I had A LOT of music! It will take me ages to get it all back. And probably in the process of retrieving whats been lost I'll probably add a lot of more music as I stumble across albums/bands I always wanted to check out but didn't take the time for yet. But my photos and everything. Gone. Some forever lost. Have to work on an essay...
Sunday, 7 December 2008
There's something about the way he blinks with his eyes that is just amazing. Legend.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Thursday, 4 December 2008
^@Dag för Dag_&
Wolf Parade didn't come alone. As their supporting act they brought Dag för Dag whom I had not heard about at first until I found out they were going to be the support act and I checked them out. But I wasn't impressed when i heard one of their songs via Last.fm. But on Tuesday they were great live. They brought a drummer who went all out. He made their performance so good. So as soon as I can find more music from them I will go and listen to it. I'm real bad though 'cause I was thinking why can't I find any music of them online to download?! And then I reminded myself of the fact that on Tuesday night they actually sold copies of their EP real cheap. Should have just bought one, but no, of course not :)
So here some more pictures from Wolf Parade as well as Dag för Dag!
And just so you know, I didn't take these pictures I was too busy dancing to the music :)
Wolf Parade

Dag för Dag

So here some more pictures from Wolf Parade as well as Dag för Dag!
And just so you know, I didn't take these pictures I was too busy dancing to the music :)
Wolf Parade

Dag för Dag


Oh, and they're from Canada. Just sayin' ;-)
Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Apparently this will be their setlist with Fancy Claps as their last song! Best choice as it is the one song that really got me into them in the first place. I love this band.
You Are A Runner and I Am My Father’s Son
Soldier’s Grin
Call It A Ritual
The Grey Estates
Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
Language City
An Animal In Your Care
Shine a Light
Grounds for Divorce
Fine Young Cannibals
California Dreamin’
This Heart’s On Fire
Kissing the Beehive
It’s a Curse
I’ll Believe in Anything
Fancy Claps
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