Wolf Parade didn't come alone. As their supporting act they brought Dag för Dag whom I had not heard about at first until I found out they were going to be the support act and I checked them out. But I wasn't impressed when i heard one of their songs via Last.fm. But on Tuesday they were great live. They brought a drummer who went all out. He made their performance so good. So as soon as I can find more music from them I will go and listen to it. I'm real bad though 'cause I was thinking why can't I find any music of them online to download?! And then I reminded myself of the fact that on Tuesday night they actually sold copies of their EP real cheap. Should have just bought one, but no, of course not :)
So here some more pictures from Wolf Parade as well as Dag för Dag!
And just so you know, I didn't take these pictures I was too busy dancing to the music :)
Wolf Parade

Dag för Dag

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