They were amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!!! They were greaaaaaaaaat! I went Crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy! I went WILD!!!! I didn't hold back at all. AT ALL! I cant believe that there were people there just standing, not moving, just looking up. I felt bad for them that they just couldn't let themselves go and get wild and into it like I did and the people around me. I knew it was going to be crazy, I knew people would go wild and I knew I would join. And I'm so proud of myself for not holding back. 'Cause sometimes you feel a bit uncomfortable when you're the only one who moves to the music when everyone else is standing still. So then you kind of hold back. But this time, like with Cold War Kids, but this time even more, waaaay more. I went all out. I was completely into it from the very start every song. And some guys around me as well. I didn't care I came all by myself. I just threw my own party. It was the most amazing thing. I would kill to see these guys again. They're the best. THE BEST. I'm not overreacting here. There are other bands I love but none of the bands I know got that punch that Wolf Parade has. Their music is made to go crazy on. Some bands have upbeat tracks, but there's something about these songs by Wolf Parade that make their songs major, huge. I love these guys. They made my week, my year. Highlight, definitely. At the end some people around me started to really jump which was a bit dangerous as it was a bit slippy because of the beer on the ground which people kept spilling. But fortunately I didn't fall, and yes I jumped with them :) I jumped. And at the end, 'cause I knew the setlist. At the end Fancy Claps came on and I knew it. I had my hands up in the air from the very start. I was throwing my arms around, clapping, everything. I went for it. It was the most amazing thing. And again, I can't believe people went to this gig standing still for all these minutes. How could you? This was the gig I wanted to see the most, the most anticipated. Before they started I had these feelings in my stomach, I felt a bit nervous. I couldn't wait any longer. And it took a while before they came on stage, because they later explained in the small room someone else was playing (Citizen Cope I believe) and that performance was a bit silent so Wolf Parade couldnt play yet, cause Wolf Parade are LOUD. So therefore we had to wait a bit but it was soooooo worth it. It was epic. And they sound so good live. The guitars, everything. I feel like talking about this all night. If I'm ever able to see these guys again, I sooooo need to go. I loved it, every second. I surrendered myself to them completely. Oh do I love their music. I will say it, and there's no longer any doubt, they are my favourite band. I love Bon Iver, The National, Beirut etc. etc. but I'm 100% sure none of those bands will get me as crazy and wild as Wolf Parade can get me. And I thank them for that. Best gig ever.
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