Yes I was nervous. NERVOUS!!! I know, crazy right? But just a little bit. Like when I'm about to see a new Gus Van Sant movie or, for example, I know I will be gasping for air when I will watch the new Haneke Das Weiße Band just because I know it has been received so well and it's Haneke I love him, you can always expect some controversial stuff from this guy, so I can't wait. I don't know what happened, well I do, I clearly do, but I ended up completely at the front. I didn't mean to and actually didn't even plan on standing front row. The thing is, we had to wait upstairs after already having waited outside for something like 40 minutes (!) not cool Paradiso, not cool - but anyway, considering what I got in return of course it was worth it :D So I was waiting upstairs just leaning against some doors of the entrance to the place where the gig was going to take place. I thought that the doors next to me were the once that were going to be opened but then all of a sudden the doors I was leaning against were the first to open so I was the first to go inside which is so weird 'cause you walk into this empty room and I didn't quite realize yet that this was it. In my mind I know there was some corner where I was wondering should I walk towards the stage already? Luckily my legs didn't hesitate one bit and immediately walked towards the stage. Some guy almost managed to take my place as suddenly he came running passed me and took hold of one of the best spots. But he was about the only one running so there was still enough space. All I had to do was go stand next to him to his right which was actually the best place if you wanted to stand at the front. This was center front, a spot crazy fans would die for. I have to say standing completely at the front makes me feel a little awkward and somewhat naked. It's like I don't have anyone around to hang on to. But it was okay. First up was Holly Miranda and me being the fashionisto of late, first thing I noticed were her shoes which were incredible. They were these black boots that looked totally worn out. Such gems. Like she found them somewhere hidden in a dusty corner of her grandpa's wardrobe. Lovely boots. The guy she was performing with wore some cool boots as well but they could not compare with hers. But so much for fashion, on to the music. I didn't have time to listen to Miss Miranda before the show so I had no idea what to expect. I thought she was just some singer songwriter. Girl with guitar, that kind. But I was pretty wrong. Her songs were almost all accompanied by some really nice intermezzo kind of thingy where they went heavy on guitars. A bit WOMEN-esque actually. I loved it. I was amazed. And girl has a really nice voice as well. And then, yes, it was time for the almighty The xx! Anticipation was high which I could already feel standing in line outside. I came right on time and there were already a few people waiting. Before leaving the house I already felt so excited and so fortunate as if I was this contest winner who received the opportunity to see The xx. It just felt that special knowing they're like the next big thing. I remember before Vampire Weekend was going to break out onto the scene big time there was this gig they were about to do and people on the internet were saying that the people attending the gig should really cherish it 'cause it would officially be the last time Vampire Weekend would play at such a small venue. After it didn't take long before these guys really blew up and were touring all festivals. This is what might happen with The xx. This was already the last time these kids were playing at the small space of Paradiso. Next time they will doing Paradiso's big concert hall and from that moment there's no return to small venues. So I've been one of the lucky ones to have been allowed to experience these kids in a small scale setting. Before they came on stage pieces of paper with their setlist were stuck on the floor. From where I was standing I could easily read the papers and found out they were about to play the entire album (!) plus their cover of the song Teardrops by Womack and Womack. The entire album! All 11 songs! A dream. If they ever manage to get passed recording a second album and their music will still be popular by then people will crave for them performing songs from their debut like I do with a band like Bloc Party. And here I was tonight, getting a full album showcase. And I was experiencing it as if I was standing in the middle of it all. So I was a bit paralyzed in the beginning. When you look forward to something like this ever since you realized this album of them is the next big fanatastic thing it can all be a bit overwhelming and unreal. It was so much at the same time. You hear the music you've come to be so familiar with and at the same time you watch these people play these songs live. It's revealed to you which instruments make up these songs, the chords, tabs, all that stuff. Near the end I felt I got a bit more loose, but still it was quite unreal. But I enjoyed every second. With some songs the bass was so loud, everything started to vibrate, I could feel it going through my entire body. Kind of like when I'm at home, but just a bit stronger. 'Cause I do play my music loud and it often happens that I notice some objects vibrating :) So they played every song, all of them. Their voices, just as good as on the record and even better 'cause you know, it's live! It's a shame I was feeling sooo tired. It's because I went to school in the morning, having to wake up real early and I had to wait quite a long time for the train to arrive when I went back home in the afternoon. But I'm always really tired after class. All the drawing and painting sucks the life out of me. And when I get home I'm not the type that's easily able to just take a nap. Instead I continued with the painting I started in class while listening to my music. So as I'm writing this my eye lids almost start to close. This gig was so special and amazing that I decided to take the time to take a picture! :D And it's not blurry! So I'll post it. Lots of people were taking pictures though. I guess they were all the reporter type or fanatic bloggers. The 16th of February they will be back in Paradiso, this time in the big concert hall. I just bought my ticket! :DD Yes I'm crazy for The xx, how can I not be?
My picture of The xx (or actually two out of the four members)

Tomorrow night Kings Of Convenience!!!!! Could my life be any better??!!
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