Friday 16 October 2009


I don't think I've been so moved and impressed by a film since The Assassination Of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford. As the credits roled passed just seconds after the closing scene I asked myself how a film could be this perfect and I thanked Jane Campion for having made this film. The last scene is the perfect ending shown from a perfect angle. It's something I only could dream of making. The person who was in charge of the photography knows me as if he has been looking right into my soul. I wouldn't have done it differently. Abbie Cornish is such a dream. She delivers her lines with such ease at times almost in whispers. She breathes into her scenes so restfully. She makes herself appear so young, so fresh and free spirited. Her naivety is endearing as well as her strong passion for Keats and belief in their love for each other. She's his biggest fan and admirer and she is willing to follow him to the end of the world. Ben Whishaw is so tender and warm that if I didn't know better I would have thought he really is Keats. Keats' gentleness and romantic nature fit him so well. Because it's mostly Brawne's view of Keats that we follow as spectators it's like we never really get through to Keats thoughts and emotions. It never feels as if he's trying to personally let us spectators know about his condition the way Brawne does. As a spectator you feel really close to Brawne as if she tells you her every thought and feeling, opening up her heart without holding anything back. Keats is somewhat kept a mystery even though Whishaw manages to show glimpses of his almost tortured soul it seems. He's so soft spoken and seems to truly belief a person's heart is not for anyone to read and cherishes all the secrets that it holds with great passion. I felt so captured by these two people. This film is so full of small gestures and I loved every image. I can't believe I was told this film is slow 'cause trust me, it's NOT. I've seen slow films and this is not one of them. When calling it slow it makes it seem as if it was boring, as if nothing happened, when so much is happening! Calling it slow is almost an insult. This film is a great study of two characters who fall deeply for each other. I loved every bit. It's one of the most fulfilling and satisfying film watching experiences I've had this year. It's a complete work, leaving nothing unfinished. It could not have been made any better. I'll remember this for a very long time. Thank you Jane Campion.

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