Saturday, 11 October 2008


I feel that this is something that has been going on for months. It's all a mixture of photography and the use of things like photoshop, film and the whole digitalization etc. etc. I was supposed to work on university stuff, but I lost my focus. Right now, someone explain me please what exactly is the real exact difference between shooting a film on film or doing it digitally?! Or wait, I think I know very well what the difference is, I just don't seem to really know what the kind of camera is they use for most films. Here you will find a clip of the greatness that is mr. Gus Van Sant who apparently edited Elephant by hand! He's what you call a 'splicer', someone doing all the editing by cutting up the filmstock, instead of using all these editing software programs which exist for the computer. I found this clip at YouTube and one person replied by saying, I didn't know it was shot on film! But then I think, aren't all films, except for e.g. David Lynch's Inland Empire, shot on film? But then they just digitalize it to be able to cut? So I'm all confused, maybe I do know the difference and everything, but I still feel this is something I just can't truly get my head around. The photoshop thing in photography is another issue, something I'll one day bring to this blog as well. ;)

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