Watching a Noah Baumbach film is kind of like watching a Wes Anderson's, or at least that's the feeling I get. And in some of Anderson's films a certain Mr. Schwartzman plays one of the leading characters. Look they're all connected! And apart from being one of the coolest actors right now (watch Shopgirl, it sounds like a girly type of film and it's based on a novella actor/comedian Steve Martin wrote, but it features some of the nicest scenes and a cool performance by Claire - who most still only know from Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet - Danes, long sentence with lots of names right there, dont know what has come over me!) he's also the singer in his own band, called Coconut Records, and I so happen to really really like them and yes, his music's really really good. Just fun, fresh, easy listening. Have been listening to his record for quite a long time already though. And some songs feature Kirsten Dunst doing some impressive backing vocals. Turns out she has a pretty nice voice.

He's related to the Coppola family by the way. The one Francis Ford and Sofia also belong to.
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