Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Today my life consisted of drawing, reading The Catcher In The Rye while drinking tea, listening to Joy Division, Talking Heads and some Ludwig Van, I know, so elitist and highbrow of me, Holden Caulfield would find me such a phoney! But it's true I totally am :D He'd probably hate my guts too 'cause I happen to be in love with cinema and if there's one thing Holden can't stand is the freaking movies!

Next week at this point I've come home after seeing FOALS play at Paradiso! Or actually, I don't think I ever make it home 'cause I'm so gonna die that night! I'm already nervous just thinking about it!

I watched La Double Vie De Véronique tonight, but I just didn't really like it as much as I expected to, was a bit underwhelmed. The love for this film, I feel, is way more because of its images than its story it seems. It really does put you in the same position as the main character, though, 'cause like her you keep wondering what exactly is going on and how is it these two women are actually connected. I think I'll appreciate it more after a second viewing. For some reason one shot in particular caught my eye, the picture you see above is a still from that moment in the film. You only see Irène Jacob's character walk through the corridors, nothing else really happens, but the way she drags her scarf behind her on the floor and the way the camera makes a dive to show it just happened to really fascinate me

By Stefan Heinrichs

Can't remember where I got this picture from, it's already a bit old, but probably The Fashionisto??

Don't bother leaving
We're already gone

- Beast In Peace by Bear In Heaven

I feel I'm having an identity crisis :( and no one can help me but me

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