Thursday, 29 April 2010


I really love my job. Last night was even more fun than the one before and time fliiiiiess!! It's not at all like the other call center that I'd previously worked for. This one's nice and everyone's kind. And I keep working with all these people who were also at the training on Saturday so we already form a kind of group. Next week I'll be doing three shifts in a row, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, but I think I'll survive :)

I've been in a pop kind of mood lately, playing Robyn's latest, but also checking out Ellie Goulding and Maria & The Diamonds, two ladies who have been buzzed about a lot during the last couple of months. Expected not to like them very much, but turns out I really do, especially their voices are pretty much incredible and somewhat unique. So here are two videos of both

Ellie Goulding - Maroquinerie 2010 from Sébou on Vimeo.

Marina you're a dreammmmm

And now get ready and hold your breath, 'cause here comes some really good stuff

By Georg Herold

By Trenton Doyle Hancock


All via Contemporary Art Daily, best art blog out there

Tonight I'm going to Den Haag with a friend 'cause it's Koninginnenach (Queen's night) and nope it's not a gay festival or something, hehe, our queen is celebrating her birthday tomorrow ;) although there may be some drag queens, who knows! And tomorrow probably Amsterdam to enjoy the festivities unless I happen to stumble upon a large box of valuable junk that I can sell on the street for 7600 euros a piece, you know, to finance my 4 years at the HKU!

Posting 10 images at random from my collection

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