Friday, 5 March 2010


I'm still obsessed with Chat Roulette, I even call it CR now, for short you know. Just can't help it, it's just too fun. What it is I'm looking for? I don't know, no idea why I keep coming back there. You tell me. Last night I happened to meet a friend of mine from the UK on CR! The chances for this to happen I predict are very small, but it happened! I didn't know he was on and he didn't know 'bout me, so it was kind of like we found each other out for not being able to resist this site.

For everyone who hasn't been on there and has no idea what I'm talking bout, here's an explanation

chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

And for the funnies, go here ChatrouLOLZ hehe :DD

It's my father's birthday, he turned 60! Wooohoo

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